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The Full Story

The creation of Spaces

What is it that fuels you? For me, it’s SPACES. Spaces was a gift by my daughter to me on my birthday. The purpose was to have a single place where I could put my paintings and share my creations with friends and family. In a sense, it was meant for a circle of people who knew me and were interested in my work. However, sharing it in a public space means you can't keep it small any longer. I am happy with the traction Spaces has gained in such a short period of time. 

Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover an artwork that talks to you and will want to make it yours or perhaps it will fuel you to find your own passion. Look on and enjoy!

Paint Abstract Green


Here's a little about me for whoever found their way here deliberately or stumbled upon this page. I am a professional banker, a blogger by choice, a poet by accident, and an artist at heart. I am a novice in art, having begun painting only in late 2018, after giving up a banking career of twenty years.  However, I started painting regularly only after April 2020 when we were locked in our homes.  'Spaces' is my Meraki, my ikigai. 

This site is proof that there is a thing called passion and there is no age to finding it.

I'm thrilled to say that I was able to use this passion to make a difference. In 2022, I participated in the Art for a charity event organised by the Rotary Club of Mumbai and managed to sell 7 paintings amounting to Rs 47,000.00 (all sale proceeds were given to charity).  

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